
Recycle Organic Garden Waste with GardenRecycle

Got Garden Waste?

Recycle it right in the soil.

The easy way to handle old garden waste is to recycle it right in the soil.

No need to create smelly compost heaps.  Just dig your old garden waste into your garden.

Our plants use the fertilizer we give them, the nutrients that exist in the soil, carbon which they get from the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, water, and other organic substances created by the plants that work to form all of the various plant structures.  The plant becomes a literal storehouse of nutrients and energy.

At the end of the growing season we can return the old plant material back into the soil where it can be broken down and return those nutrients to the soil to become available for the next years growth.  The more of the old plant residue we can return to the soil the fewer nutrients we will have to add during the next growing season.

GardenRecycle Manages Your Garden Waste

Aggressively breaks down even heavy garden waste

GardenRecycle encourages activity from a broad spectrum of microbes that work to break down all plant material.  In addition it encourages enzyme production and helps soil macro organisms process a higher volume of material.

GardenRecycle is safe for growing plants

The beneficial biological activity from GardenRecycle that breaks down old plant matter actually helps living plants.  GardenRecycle will not harm living plants when applied as directed.  In fact it improves the environment for those plants to grow.  When applied to areas with living plants we recommend rinsing it off of the foliage so that it can get down in the soil.

Helps maintain healthy soil aeration naturally

The biological activity that breaks down old plant matter also helps achieve natural soil aeration.

Helps increase nutrient holding capacity of the soil

As garden waste breaks down carbon from the plants remains in the soil where it stores nutrients.  The more plant material that breaks down, the more nutrients are in storage the soil.

Helps return nutrients to the soil

GardenRecycle breaks down plants and leave carbon in the soil.  It then extracts the nutrients from the plants and stores them to the carbon.  This results in a minimal amount of nutrients being lost and they become available for the next growing season.

Improves soil pH

GardenRecycle works to dramatically increase microbial activity in order to break down old plant material.  Microbial activity naturally moves soils toward a neutral pH regardless of which direction the soil is out of balance. The more of this organic microbial activity that occurs, the more the soil moves to a neutral pH.

Recycle Your Old Garden Waste Today with GardenRecycle

Energize your soil with GardenRecycle

GardenRecycle returns the energy of your old plant material back into the soil.  Nutrients, carbon and moisture are returned and processed so that they are available for the next gardening wonders you choose to grow.

Plant material that is broken down in the soil not only provides nutrition for plants but also to the macro organisms in the soil and the micro organisms in the soil.  GardenRecycle plays a key role in the garden recycling process.  The biological activity can breakdown up to 80% of the old garden material between typical growing seasons.  This results in the material that gives your soil that dark rich look.  In addition the biological activity assists in keeping the soil aerated while improving soil pH.

How often should I apply GardenRecycle?

How to Use GardenRecycleApply GardenRecycle one time each year after the growing season (typically in the fall) for typical garden residue.  For higher volumes of garden residue such as adding lawn clippings, extra leaves, wood chips, etc. we recommend two applications.  You can apply your first application and after 3 or 4 weeks you can apply a second application.

Getting that dark rich soil?

Turn your garden waste into the soil along with leaves that may fall from your surrounding trees, lawn clippings along with chopped up stalks, twigs and branches, compost, etc. then apply GardenRecycle.  Add a little nitrogen, such as ammonium sulfate, so the microbes have a little additional fuel for breaking down the old garden material.  Water the area thoroughly.

As a result most of the garden material should be processed by spring.  Apply an additional application in the spring for any debris that you might add through the winter months.  This will help complete the recycling process.

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How GardenRecycle WorksLearn More About
How GardenRecycle Works

Using GardenRecycleLearn More About
Using GardenRecycle